EEPS east end preservation society – next meeting update – “The London Plan”
‘A new society is needed to promote an urban vision which is not governed by short term and personal profit, but which evokes and embraces the communal aims which enshrine the spirit and character of East London.’
Dan Cruickshank, 27 November 2013
Dear Friend,
Thank you for joining The East End Preservation Society. Some of you will have signed up at the launch event on 27 November, others may have responded to articles on Spitalfields Life and elsewhere.
EEPS is a new focus for those concerned about the built environment of East London, giving a single voice to those fighting to protect its history and heritage. We also plan to provide training and events to help individuals and groups participate more effectively in the planning process, and better understand issues relating to conservation and the protection of historic buildings and places.
We ask all our friends to use our Facebook, Twitter and Email to keep the Society up to date about threats to buildings and controversial new developments looming. We will do our best to offer advice and assistance on specific cases through our network of contacts.
Our first event will be a talk and Q&A session on the Mayor’s London Plan and its implications for the East End. The speaker will be Peter Eversden of the London Forum. The event will take place at the Bishopsgate Institute from 6.30 to 8.00pm on Monday 16 December 2013. To book a place please email us using this link. Places are free but we encourage a voluntary contribution of £5.
Lastly, we would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all those who made donations at the launch. We raised enough to pay for the room hire (£500) and all associated costs.
There are a number of films of the launch event, made by Sebastian Sharples, available on YouTube with links on our Facebook page alongside transcripts of key speeches.
Please keep in touch. Be sure to check our Facebook and Twitter regularly for updates and information on important cases.
Best wishes,
The East End Preservation Society
A new society for people who care about the East End and are
concerned about the future of its built environment.
Facebook: Facebook/EastEndPSociety Twitter: @EastEndPSociety