Urgent Action Recommended – deadline 13 March

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Subject: Urgent Action Recommended – TOMORROWS deadline 13 March

Dear all,

We write on behalf of the Licencing Committee of the Shoreditch Community Association. We bring to your attention an application we recommend you “oppose”. Filing your opposition is as simple as emailing licensing@hackney.gov.uk with the text below or as you see fit. DEADLINE IS COB ON THURSDAY 13TH OF MARCH.

This application is for The Spread Eagle, 2 Kingsland Road, London E2 8DA, just North of Old Street. The Spread Eagle wants an extension for alcohol and music until 04:00am from Thursday-Saturday nights (and Sunday before a bank holiday). Current hours are 01:30am for those days.

We met the owner, who told us she needs the extension to compete with the Love Shake bar next door (licenced until 02:30am on those days). The owner listened to our concerns and seems responsible.

However the committee concluded that it must “oppose” the application. In summary, this application represents an “arms race” for bars to keep up with each other and stay open as late as possible. This should not be happening anywhere, let alone in the Special Policy Area. All the other normal reasons apply to this application, particularly the cumulative impact on crime, disorder and public nuisance.

We are available to discuss any questions. We urge you to email the Council.

The Shoreditch Community Association

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