Urgent Action – Deadline 07/04/2014
The Licencing Committee of the SCA has made a recommendation. If you feel the same, please consider sending representations to Hackney Council (licensing@hackney.gov.uk). Sample language is below.
Application – Former “Food Hall” at 374/378 Old Street, London EC1V 9LT
Details – Live and recorded music, and supply of alcohol, from 10:00 to 00:00 Sun to Thur and from 10:00 to 01:30am Fri and Sat.
Recommendation – OPPOSE
Deadline – now 7 April 2014 (was 28 March 2014)
The SCA has tried to contact the applicant’s representatives, but received no reply.
The committee has concluded that it must “oppose (or limit hours)” the application. In summary, the loss of another retail/food outlet to another venue to drinking (regardless of hours) is detrimental to the neighbourhood. All of the other normal reasons apply to this application, particularly the cumulative impact on crime, disorder and public nuisance. If the application is to be approved that hours are limited to 11:00pm on ALL NIGHTS. This stretch of Old Street does not have late night establishments, but is anchored on both sides by venues which cause significant impact.
Email to: licensing@hackney.gov.uk
Cc: sca@shoreditchcommunity.co.uk
Subject: 374/378 Old Street, London EC1V 9LT
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I write to oppose the application by the former “Food Hall” at 374/378 Old Street, London EC1V 9LT. The venue has applied for a licence for live and recorded music, and supply of alcohol, from 10:00 to 00:00 Sun to Thur and from 10:00 to 01:30am Fri and Sat.
I oppose the application on the following grounds:
– The premises is located adjacent to the Special Policy Area covering Shoreditch, and therefore should at the outset be rejected, given the cumulative impact on crime, disorder, public nuisance, and risks undermining the SPA/saturation zones in the area.
– The switch of another retail/food outlet to a drinking establishment (regardless of hours) is detrimental to the neighbourhood. The current tilt towards growth of the night-time economy is having a negative impact on residents’ and daytime businesses’ quality of life and working environment. This tilt hampers efforts to attract responsible businesses and has a negative impact on the residents’ and daytime businesses quality of life, as a result of increased noise, environmental filth, and anti-social behaviour.
If the application is approved I strongly recommend that council limit hours to 11:00pm on all nights, for the following reasons:
– This stretch of Old Street currently does not have any late night establishments, but is anchored on both sides by venues which cause significant impact.
– Late hours will contribute to crime and disorder and aggravate existing issues around safety.
– A late night alcohol licence will enable significant noise from the venue, and the nuisance of people coming and going, with drunk and disorderly crowds gathering underneath bedroom windows. Within a 150 metre radius of the property there are at least 50 flats and 10 businesses who will be detrimentally affected.
– The neighbourhood already has significant issues with violence, vomiting, urination, defecation, drug use and unsociable conduct late into the night, presenting real safety and security issues. A late licence on this stretch Street would add to this overwhelming problem, in the Special Policy Area. For evidence of the mania please see http://goo.gl/ls5swp and http://goo.gl/wPKQnY.
– The protection of children from harm is vital. Evenings regularly attract violent people, illicit acts and vile behaviour, as confirmed by the police. The addition of another late-night drinking establishment will contribute to the impact on the numerous children in the neighbourhood.
I can be contacted at the address below.